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Walsh And Associates, PC Attorneys At Law

Car Accidents and Older Drivers: Complication and Coping Tips

June 27, 2023

Older drivers' risks of accidents differ from those of younger drivers. Older drivers pursuing accident cases also face complications others don't. Below are some of these complications and how to overcome them.

Potential Complications

Complications can affect the accident's risk, injuries, recovery, and claim process. Some age-related medical conditions affect a driver's risk of an auto accident, for example:

  • Some elderly drivers have poor eyesight, which increases the risk of accidents
  • Some elderly drivers have osteoporosis, characterized by fragile bones, which increases their risk of fractures
  • Some elderly drivers have age-related medical conditions that reduce their medical recovery after an accident

The effects of these pre-existing conditions are varied and enormous. For one, an auto accident defendant facing an elderly plaintiff will likely accuse the plaintiff of contributing to the crash. Since some people automatically think the elderly are poor drivers, such a claim can arise even if the plaintiff never contributed to the crash.

Secondly, pre-existing conditions can lead to significant injuries, slow recovery times, and high medical damages. Some defendants think the courts should not hold them liable for unforeseeable or uncharacteristically high damages for defendants with pre-existing conditions.

Luckily, the aggravation of pre-existing conditions does not bar accident victims from collecting damages. All you need to prove is that the accident left you worse off than before.

Dealing With the Complications

As an elderly driver, you can do several things to deal with the above complications. You can reduce your risk of accidents and get maximum compensation should you fall victim to another person's accident. Below are some tips that may help.

Take Defensive Driving Classes

Defensive driving classes teach you to anticipate and avoid road dangers. For example, defensive driving training may help you to:

  • Spot dangerous drivers on the road
  • Create escape plans for different dangerous situations while driving
  • Adapt your driving to other road users and weather conditions
  • Maintain a safe buffer zone between your car and other road users

Consider defensive driving classes if many years have passed since you learned how to drive. The classes will reduce your accident risk and your risk of contributory negligence accusations in case of a crash.

Know When to Drive

Some areas and periods of the day are safer than others, especially for elderly drivers with failing health. For example, some elderly drivers struggle to drive after dusk or in rainfall. Know your limitations and only drive where and when it is safe.

Know When to Stop Driving

Aging attracts some complications, such as failing eyesight. However, we should accept that it is a natural stage in life and accept it when age-related issues make driving too dangerous for us. Everyone should know when to leave the driving seat for able drivers. The acceptance will help you keep everyone safe on the road.

Maintain Good Health

Many elderly drivers in good health drive every day without causing accidents. Staying in good shape and optimal health also helps to minimize the risk of medical complications in case of a crash. For example, a healthy diet and regular exercise reduce osteoporosis complications. Therefore, maintain good health to minimize complications.

Hire a Lawyer in Case of an Accident

You may get into an accident even if you are the most careful driver. Consult a lawyer as soon as possible if that happens. The lawyer will help you with the biases that many people have against elderly drivers. The lawyer will also help you prove your case and get the compensation you deserve to regain your pre-accident health, life, and financial status.

Contact Walsh & Associates, PC, for assistance pursuing your auto accident case, irrespective of your age or the circumstances of the accident. We have over 30 years of experience in injury law. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve.

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