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Walsh And Associates, PC Attorneys At Law

6 Tips to Help You Maximize Your Auto Accident Compensation

July 18, 2022
Wreck Auto — Keizer, OR — Walsh And Associates, PC Attorneys At Law

How you approach your auto accident case determines your eventual compensation. Below are six tips to help you maximize your compensation.

1. Preserve Evidence

You will win your auto accident case based on evidence. Here are some of the things you can use as evidence:

  • Medical records
  • Pictures of the accident (damages, injuries, environment)
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Video footage of the accident
  • Appraisal reports on damaged properties
  • Police reports

Don't decide what evidence you find valuable and discard the rest. Preserve everything related to the accident since you might not know whether the information will be useful for your case. For example, video footage of the crash may help you prove that you were in the right lane just before the crash.

2. Mitigate Losses

Take relevant measures to minimize the losses after the accident. Here are some practical ways to mitigate your losses:

  • Get medical care as soon as possible
  • Follow your doctor's advice to the letter
  • Prevent further damage to the car; for example, tow it to a safe location after the crash
  • Get back to work or look for a job as soon as the doctor clears you

Loss mitigation is necessary for two main reasons. For one, loss mitigation is a legal requirement. Two, loss mitigation will help you avoid accusations of shared liability.

For example, the doctor may advise you to avoid strenuous activities for a period. If you don't heed the doctor's advice and your recovery takes a long time, the defendant might argue that you contributed to your medical-related damages.

3. Wait for MMI

Don't file your claim until you reach your point of maximum medical improvement (MMI). The MMI is the point at which you have fully recovered, or your condition is stable, and your doctor has a clear idea of your prognosis.

You should wait for MMI because it allows you to understand the full extent of your damages. If you settle your case before your MMI, you won't get compensation for further damages you might experience.

4. Include All Damages

The defendant will only compensate you for the damages you list and prove. Include every loss you have suffered because of the accident. Some of the damages you might forget to include:

  • Future losses, such as future medical care
  • Ambulance fees
  • Disfigurement (part of pain and suffering)
  • In-home services, such as home nursing care
  • Damage to personal property, such as a laptop that was in the car at the time of the crash

The best way to account for all damages is to talk to an attorney who will help you value your case.

5. Negotiate

The insurance adjuster is not likely to give in to your initial demand. The initial offer is also likely to be way below the true value of your case. Thus, you won't get full compensation if you accept the adjuster's initial offer.

An auto accident claim is a negotiation process. Make your demand, show evidence of your claim, and make adjustments if necessary. The negotiation process ends if the adjuster refuses your final demand or if you accept the adjuster's offer.

An auto accident lawyer can help you with the negotiations. Lawyers have more negotiation skills and experience than the average person does.

6. Hire a Lawyer

Lastly, hire a lawyer from the start of the case. The lawyer will:

  • Use their legal knowledge and understanding to navigate the case
  • Use their negotiation skills to improve your compensation
  • Prove your seriousness to the defendant
  • Litigate the case if you don't reach an out-of-court agreement

You only pay your auto accident lawyer if you win your case. At that point, they take a percentage of your compensation.

Walsh & Associates, PC, have vast experience with auto accident cases. We have a team of caring and knowledgeable staff at your disposal. Contact us today, and we will help you get the compensation you deserve.

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