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Walsh And Associates, PC Attorneys At Law

Common Dangers of Driving (and How to Avoid Them)

July 18, 2022
Vehicles In Road — Keizer, OR — Walsh And Associates, PC Attorneys At Law

We all know driving is dangerous. In fact, around 6 million people are injured each year, and two-thirds of those victims are injured severely. A car is a dangerous place to be. However, if you accept the dangers of the road and change your habits, you can enjoy a safer, less stressful experience when you drive.

Things Out of Your Control

Even all-weather vehicles cannot withstand everything. Icy roads or massive storms can decrease visibility, which can lead to a crash. According to the Federal Highway Administration, roughly 24 percent of all accidents are weather-related.

Other drivers can also be a safety hazard while on the road. Those that fail to yield their right of way or who drive recklessly can cause a crash even when you drive safely. However, you can't always blame a crash on the other party.

You can defend yourself against these risks by knowing your limits and practicing defensive driving. If you feel uncomfortable driving in bad weather, wait for it to clear. Missing work is better than suffering an injury from an accident. Cars are likely to skid on icy roads, so practice recognizing black ice and recovering from skidding and fishtailing.

Defensive driving will protect you against reckless drivers. Don't assume other drivers will be perfectly safe and always be prepared for the unpredictable. Even something as simple as honking your horn can prevent an accident.

Things Within Your Control

When you drive with bad habits, you increase your chances of injury dramatically.

You've probably heard of the dangers of driving while drunk or high. Even those who think they are safe drivers while under the influence probably aren't. Even as marijuana laws are relaxed, you should still never drive while high. Driving while impaired significantly affects how dangerous you are on the road, which could lead to your own injuries or somebody else's.

Distracted driving, including texting, putting on makeup, or eating, greatly increases the risk of an accident. You should never take your eyes off the road while going at highway speeds. Just as with impaired driving, distracted driving slows your reaction time, which can be deadly while driving quickly. Distraction can also lead to pedestrian and bike accidents.

Finally, reckless driving is extremely dangerous. Reckless driving includes excessive speeding or weaving, as well as things like drafting and tailgating. These actions can confuse the cars around you or get you into trouble if the other cars are being reckless as well. You may think drafting behind a truck is more fuel-efficient, but you increase the chances of an accident by tailgating the truck so closely.

All of these risks are easy to avoid. Breaking these bad driving habits will mean both you and other drivers are safer on the road. Be aware of other drivers by focusing on driving instead of your phone or food. Use a taxi instead of driving while impaired, and be a predictable driver by going the speed limit and signaling your lane changes.

Driving may seem like a safe activity because it is so ubiquitous, but you still need to be careful when behind the wheel. Being an aware, courteous driver is important. Practice good habits on the road and you will save yourself and others stress and possible injury.

At Walsh and Associates, PC, we care about the little guy. Our well-trained lawyers and staff are happy to offer personal attention to you for your auto accident case. Our lawyers will always take the time to talk to you personally about all your concerns whenever asked. Contact our professional team today.

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